Please note: Initially the source code will not find the Contig.exe and a message box will appear informing you of this. However, that is to be expected. The following global variable is used to determine the path of the executable file when installed. Thus, if the user installing the application changes the default location where the files are installed, the program will account for this automatically. string strDirectory = Application.StartupPath; The following path is where the executable file exists during coding and testing: C:\Users\Michael\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ContigUI\ContigUI\bin\Debug If you place the uncompressed Contig.exe downloaded from Microsoft's Windows Sysinternal Contig web page in the above folder during the test process, you will not get the error message indicating "file not found". Moreover, because the global variable above is used, you should also place the uncompressed Contig.exe downloaded from Microsoft in the same path this application was installed. Otherwise, users will have to browse for folder where Contig.exe is located every time this application is run. Any comments, issues, or suggestions can be forwarded to me at